

Record:repetitions completed
  Wallball Shot (for reps)

5 sets of: 20lb for 00:00:20

  Kettlebell Swing (for reps)

5 sets of: 52.9lb for 00:00:20

  Row (for calories)

5 sets of 00:00:20

  Burpee (for reps)

5 sets of 00:00:20

Workout Instructions

The clock never stops - complete as many reps as possible in 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest, for 5 straight sets. Complete all five sets of one exercise before moving on to the next. For the row, 1 calorie = 1 rep.

Wall ball shots are to 10' target. Women's Rx is 14lb for wall ball and 16kg for kettlebell swing



Log results for BAF Mini Tabata


Plan to do BAF Mini Tabata