Log results for Indoor Heavy 01
All exercises I can do in my basement. I.e. no overhead, no pull ups.
Full Power Clean (for weight)
3 sets of 3 reps Instructions2:00 between the start of each set. Final set is ~85% of your estimated 1RM. |
Handstand Push Up (for reps)
1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set Instructions1:00 between the start of each set. |
Deadlift (for weight)
3 sets of 5 reps Instructions2:00 between the start of each set. Final set is ~80% of your estimated 1RM. |
The cleans and dead lifts have 2' intervals. I.e. start a stop watch, and do 3 cleans. When the time reaches 2', do the next 3 cleans. The HSPU's have 1 intervals. Do a few minutes of ab work at the end.
Log results for Indoor Heavy 01
Plan to do Indoor Heavy 01