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Weighted Tabatas

Tabata weighted pullups, weighted squats, weighted ring dips and deadlifts.




Record:points scored
  Weighted Pull Up (for score)

8 sets of: 30lb for 00:00:20

  Rest (complete)

For 00:01:00

  Back Squat (for score)

8 sets of: 45lb for 00:00:20

  Rest (complete)

For 00:01:00

  Weighted Ring Dip (for score)

8 sets of: 30lb for 00:00:20

  Rest (complete)

For 00:01:00

  Deadlift (for score)

8 sets of: 165lb for 00:00:20

Workout Instructions

For each exercise, do 20 seconds of that exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 sets.
Your score for each exercise is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight sets. You score for the workout is the sum of the scores for each exercise.



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