

Record:total time
  Push Jerk

70 reps at 135lb


Every time you drop the bar, you pick it back up and do 1 Squat clean and 1 extra front squat

Workout Instructions

Warm: 3 rds Bear Complex Rx 75/45: Squat Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press.

Post: AMRAP in 10 min: 5 push ups, 7 med ball sit ups, 10 front squat to jump (hit a mark on the wall)

Bench Press 5x3, final round do 1 (70/80/90/95/100% of 1RM) - 150, 175, 190, 205, 215



Log results for CFC WOD 030711


Plan to do CFC WOD 030711