

Record:total time
  Air Squat

1 set of 100 reps

1 set of 100 reps


Rest for 30 seconds between 100 rep Air Squats Every time you stop to rest you have to drop and do 5 chest to ground push ups

  Push Up

1 set of 50 reps

1 set of 50 reps


Rest for 30 seconds between the 50 reps of Push Ups Every time you stop to rest you have to do 3 burpees

  Sit Up

1 set of 30 reps

1 set of 30 reps


Rest for 30 Seconds between the 30 Sit-Ups Every time you stop to rest flip over and do 5 chest to ground push ups


1 set of 30 reps

1 set of 30 reps


Rest for 30 seconds between Burpees

Workout Instructions

Warm Up:

4 Mins of the Couch Stretch on both sides
3 Air Squats with a 30 static hold at the bottom position
20 High Knees
20 Chest to Ground Push Ups
40 Sit Ups



Log results for 03/28/2011


Plan to do 03/28/2011