Run Backwards

Run Backwards

Running backwards is an aerobic exercise that strengthens the lower body and core muscles. It also helps to improve balance and coordination.


How to perform a Run Backwards:

Stand erect with shoulders back, head erect and facing backward direction.
  • Stand erect with shoulders back, head erect and facing backward direction.

    Stand erect with shoulders back, head erect and facing backward direction.

  • Take a step backwards with one leg as you begin to pump your arms.

    Take a step backwards with one leg as you begin to pump your arms.

  • Alternate your steps backwards as your arms pump in the same fashion as if running forward.  While the direction you watch is backward, the head is held straight as it would be if running forward.

    Alternate your steps backwards as your arms pump in the same fashion as if running forward. While the direction you watch is backward, the head is held straight as it would be if running forward.


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