Side Crunch

Side Crunch

The crunch is an isometric exercise that isolates the oblique muscles. It should be done to both sides to ensure both sides of the obliques are exercised.


How to perform a Side Crunch:

Lie on your side, with your legs bent and resting against one another.
  • Lie on your side, with your legs bent and resting against one another.

    Lie on your side, with your legs bent and resting against one another.

  • Lift your head and shoulder slightly off the ground, making sure to use your abdominal muscles to lift you up.

    Lift your head and shoulder slightly off the ground, making sure to use your abdominal muscles to lift you up.

  • Lower your head and shoulder back down so you are back in <1/position 1>.

    Lower your head and shoulder back down so you are back in position 1.


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