The hang power clean is a weight training exercise that builds power and strength.
How to perform a Hang Power Clean:
Stand with your feet approximately hip width apart.
Squat down and grasp the barbell in an overhand grip, with your hands wider than shoulder width apart. Your back should be slightly arched.
Stand up until the barbell is touching you mid-thigh. Keep your arms straight. This is the starting position for this lift.
Jump upward, extending your hips and legs. Most of the power for the lift should come from your hips and your jump, not from your arms. As the bar is moving up, pull your body under the bar by bending and lifting your elbows.
Catch the bar on your shoulders. Your feet should move out slightly so you land with your feet shoulder width apart.
Extend your legs and hips to stand straight up. This exercise should be done as one quick, fluid movement.
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