The Front Squat is a variation of the Back Squat, requiring more abdominal strength. It is also a portion of the Full Squat Clean.
How to perform a Front Squat:
Rest a barbell on the front of your shoulders, with your elbows bent and up to keep the bar in place. Your hands should hold the bar in place, but the weight should be on your shoulders.
Stand straight up with your feet shoulder width apart, placing your weight on your heels. Your feet should be angled outward slightly.
Begin to bend your knees as you lower yourself towards the ground. Ensure your lower back remains arched.
Continue to bend your knees until your thighs are just past parallel to the ground.
Stand up by straightening your legs. Make sure you keep your back slightly arched and your weight on your heels.
Raise yourself up to position 2.
An alternate way to hold the bar is to cross your arms over each other in front of you. If you use this technique, make sure you keep your elbows up to keep the bar in place.
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