Box Jump

Box Jump

Box jumps help develop lower body power, stability, balance and coordination. You will need a box or stable step, set to your desired height.


How to perform a Box Jump:

Stand approximately 1 foot away from the box with your legs shoulder-width apart and with a slight bend in the knee. Your arms should hang loosely by your sides.
  • Stand approximately 1 foot away from the box with your legs shoulder-width apart and with a slight bend in the knee. Your arms should hang loosely by your sides.

    Stand approximately 1 foot away from the box with your legs shoulder-width apart and with a slight bend in the knee. Your arms should hang loosely by your sides.

  • Jump straight up and land softly with both feet on the box.

    Jump straight up and land softly with both feet on the box.

  • When you land, your knees should have a slight bend in them to cushion the landing.

    When you land, your knees should have a slight bend in them to cushion the landing.

  • Straighten your legs completely to stand up on the box.

    Straighten your legs completely to stand up on the box.

  • Step back onto the floor, returning to <1/position 1>.

    Step back onto the floor, returning to position 1.


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