photo of alex alex


5 rounds of 3-minute sub-rounds of Cleans, Push Ups and Squat




Record:points scored
5 rounds of:
  Full Power Clean

3 reps at 135lb

  Push Up

6 reps

  Air Squat

9 reps

Workout Instructions

Each round is 3 minutes long. Rest 1 minute between rounds. During each round, do as many cycles of all the exercises as you can. Your score for each round is the number of cycles you do.

For example, let's say that during the first 3-minute round, you do 4 cycles of the exercises (3 cleans, 6 pushups, 9 squats, 3 cleans, 6 pushups, 9 squats, 3 cleans, 6 pushups, 9 squats, 3 cleans, 6 pushups, 9 squats). Your score for that round is 4. Then you rest 1 minute and start round two, which again involves doing as many cycles of the exercises as you can.



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