Log results for Overhead Walk, WB Shots And Farmer Carry
5 rounds of: 185lb Overhead Walk, 30 Wallball Shots and 95lb Farmer Carry
Overhead Walk 185lb Instructions40 meters. |
Wallball Shot 30 reps at 10 feet using 20lb |
Farmer Carry 95lb Instructions40 meters, one 95lb barbell in each hand. The barbells have to go around the cone. Example of farmer carry: http://www.crossfit.com/mt-archive2/CrossFitSantaCruzPeterMarkelFarmerCarry.html |
Set a cone 20 meters away from you. Use that to measure distance for the exercises (walk to cone and back).
Log results for Overhead Walk, WB Shots And Farmer Carry
Plan to do Overhead Walk, WB Shots And Farmer Carry